Friday, March 5, 2010

President Obama makes an unscheduled visit to Tucson

This was actually Air Force Two...Al Gore used it. The guy sitting next to us on the tour was not impressed by that, but needless to say, I was. It is now parked at the Pima Air and Space Museum. Randy and I spent a delightful morning there. I wish I had more knowledge of aircraft history, but it was still fun to see all the different war planes, Nasa jets, and some more unusual commercial airplanes. They even have a Blackbird, the fastest, highest flying jet every built. It is no longer in use. It could fly from California to New York in 64 minutes.(my idea of flying) The other interesting jet was the Super looks more like a flying whale than a guppy. It was a NASA jet used for transporting Shuttle parts from California to Florida. It had to make about 7 fuel stops on the way. Could they not have built those parts in Florida more cheaply? This may be one of the reasons NASA is going to be fed to the Government Shrinkalator.

I am quite happy to say that the Zometa I have been receiving the last 2 years may actually be working. I was walking the dog around the park in my pjs, no coffee yet and tripped over a stake. I went down like a ton of Little Debbies. (I just didn't think "ton of bricks" really described me.) I am bruised, certainly a little embarrassed, and stiff, but not broken. The lesson to be learned from this is: never go out in the morning without your coffee... and maybe your clothes.


  1. Jackie, you need to be more careful. Boy, I am truly jealous of the warm weather however for the next few days here we will have sunshine and almost 50. We loved AZ and Sedona, Jerome and Flagstaff.

  2. There is pleasant irony in you visiting an Air and Space museum - a train museum yes - but airplanes? I can hear my friend with her long island accent saying "what were you thinking?". Hey we hit 52 degrees and sunny in SL today - more of the same tomorrow! Yipee
