Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cold and Rainy in Tucson... weird!

I didn't know it could be like this in Tucson. Is it time to move on? We did get out before the rain and traveled about 24 miles NE of the city to Biosphere 2. In case you are wondering, Biosphere 1 is Earth. It looked like a great tour, but the guide saw my cane and wondered how I would do climbing 250 steps and walking for an hour and half without being able to sit. I didn't think my wonky hips and newly damaged knee would be able to keep up with the group. We did get to see some lovely scenery, though.

This being Sunday, it was time for more grocery store therapy. A trip to Whole Foods always raises my spirits. I came home with all of Randy's favorite foods: tofu, tempeh, brown rice, and mochi. Actually, he was once again waiting for me in the truck. When we arrived home, we discovered that our lovely awning had begun to self destruct in the wind and a helpful neighbor had used the dog's outdoor line to tie it to a palm tree. At least the trailer had not blown over, I am fairly certain Randy would have left it, and me, and gone home.

Randy did the laundry while I tried out a new tofu recipe. He was so excited about the tofu, that he went right out and bought a pizza. I even made mochi for dessert...

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog posts! I've finally figured out how to leave comments (I am now using Internet Explorer). Your pictures are wonderful, and I wish I could be there with you!
    So, you haven't gotten Randy to eat tofu and tempeh yet? I tried to eat tempeh again and it was okay...did I say okay? I meant truly disgusting. Like licking your hands after handling pennies.
    Have a wonderful rest of the trip and keep us updated! Give my best to Randy and dog. I love that she has to sleep under the table. Poor dog. I'm sure she will be happy to trade the tin pod for her backyard.
    Oh, and bring back Sonoran dogs!! (make mine a tofu pup with fakin bacon)
