Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pizza fire, Pizza fire and none to soon... it's cold down here

It's cold in South Florida! Not as cold as Saranac Lake, but cold. Randy and I decided to find a dog friendly beach, which we did, the very nice Fort Meyers Beach. We even found a handicapped spot that allowed for free parking... well that would have been very nice if the handicapped person had brought her handicapped hang tag. Oh well, we plugged the meter, fifty cents for 15 minutes, which was about all we could handle in the cold. We'll be back when the weather improves.

We returned home, closed the windows and turned on our space heater, (Thanks, mom, that was a great Christmas gift.) Randy had bought a frozen pizza for dinner and fired up the Magic Chef. He popped in the pizza and went back outside, I had closed the door between the bedroom and living/ kitchen room and didn't notice the smoke pouring out of the oven. We opened the roof vents and all the windows. It looked like the trailer was on fire. I was waiting for someone to call 911, but it was after 6:00, everyone had turned in for the night. Even our neighbor, Ziggy Pop, was too stoned to notice. I guess it was for the best, we certainly would not have endeared ourselves to the park inhabitants if noisy fire trucks had been called. Actually, I suspect nobody called, because compared to the fancy trailers in this park, we look like aging hippies in their gypsy wagon.

Praying for warm weather here in South Florida, but glad we're not in Saranac Lake. (Sorry, Kath, I know you love it up there... but you made it on the local news... right here in Punta Gorda.


  1. Yes, I know, it is even too cold for me. But, never fail the volunteers are working on the ice palace - so as we hunker down by the pellet stove, we watch them scurring around with giant ice blocks. It sounds like they could be cutting those ice blocks in Florida right now. Peter opened the blinds on the sunporch, because it is very sunny today, but I'm not feeling the heat. Stay warm and don't burn down your hippy trailer.

  2. Very funny blog posts, mom. I love Jackie-Randy Adventures in Airstream. I think you should petition the Travel Channel for a new show.
