Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kindle meltdown, RV Park Barbecue, and Tornado Warnings

Finally a lovely warm day, I went for a swim, overused my shoulder and came home in pain. I took some happy pills, settled in a lawn chair with an ice tea and my Kindle, turned it on and zap, screen meltdown. I called Amazon and the great news is I am getting a replacement via UPS tomorrow. And believe me, without my Kindle, the Stunned and Dismayed RV Park would be barely bearable.

However, feeling that we hadn't given the park and the people a fair chance, we decided to go to Tuesday Barbecue night at the "clubhouse". I insisted that we make a concerted effort to socialize and maybe even get a good meal. The sign said to bring your own drinks, so Randy packed up his beer and a soda for me and off we went. Dinner was a tiny hamburg and an even tinier bag of chips, but Randy took solace in the fact that he could at least have a beer. He took a beer out of the cooler and 20 people pointed to the No Alcohol Sign. At least we got noticed. It was time to go anyway, because someone was firing up the old Kareoke Machine and such hootin' and hollerin' you have never heard.

We returned to the trailer just before a huge Florida sized wind, rain and thunderstorm blew in from the Gulf. Randy turned on the TV and saw the warning sign scrolling along the bottom telling people to seek shelter in the sturdiest part of their homes and that trailers and RVs were not safe. (We already knew this, but there was no mention of what to do if your only shelter was an RV.) I have to admit it is a little scary imagining yourself flying through the sky like Dorothy in your tiny airborne silver bullet. We kept watching the news hoping they would announce shelters for RVers, but just the warning..."trailers and RVs are unsafe in a Tornado". Finally, just before the power went off, they removed the Tornado Warning for this county and I am happily writing this blog, secure in the knowledge that I won't be visiting OZ tonight.

1 comment:

  1. This is a riot. It's like the whole of Florida is conspiring against you, Randy and dog. Fortunately, it makes for very interesting and funny blogging.

    By the way, I love the new name for the trailer park.
