Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trip to Ringling Museum with Debbie

I know Randy wanted to spend hours in an art museum, but I really thought we needed some time away from each other, so I jumped at Debbie's invitation to tour the Ringling Museum in Sarasota. They have a fabulous collection of Reubens and other Renaissance paintings, made even more interesting by the fresh flower arrangements exhibited and inspired by the paintings. Taking photos was okay, but no flash. I struggled to find a manual light setting and in turn forgot to compose the photos. Hopefully, you can see what the flower arranger was trying to do.

We left the art museum and went to the circus museum. This beautiful wagon was transported on rail cars until the circus reached it's destination and then was part of the parade advertising the circus. I have only seen one small circus and had no idea that in it's hay day the Ringling, Barnum and Baily Circus was huge, employing 800 people and putting on a show under a tent larger than a football field. The circus no longer belongs to the Ringling family and the house and museum were bequeathed to the State of Florida. Truly a great place to visit... very well done, reasonably priced and the pork barbecue for lunch was yummy... not quite up to a Sonoran hot dog though.

Randy spent the day meeting the new neighbors, a couple from Ontario who Randy says look and talk like the Clampetts. We are now sandwiched between ZZ Top and Jed and Granny. It just makes you want to spend your winters in a trailer park, doesn't it. I am out of taffy so time for sleep.

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